Now available in Mykonos!👏
Taxi booking for hotels,
Venue Butler is a time-saving taxi booking device for hotels
in Mykonos,
just like yours. One press of a button
a taxi is on its way to pick up
your guests.
Only 2 seconds
to book a taxi for your guests
Save up to 32 mins
on booking taxis every day1
Just a few minutes
to place a device in your hotel
Trusted by front desk staff at

The Venue Butler taxi booking device has made getting cabs so easy! We love how fast taxi’s get the alert and are at the hotel in just a few minutes. It has been extremely helpful for our team when looking for an ADA taxi or a late night ride. I suggest all hotels get this installed. It makes our guests happy, what could be better?
A simpler way to
book taxis for your guests

Book and cancel taxis hassle-free
Just press the button, the compact taxi booking device
will request a taxi for your guests in literally seconds.
Of course, you can cancel them too.
Save time by supercharging your front desk
Instead of having to spend time on the phone or hailing a taxi on the street, bring the focus back to your guests by booking taxis in an instant.
- Optimize your front desk’s time & energy
- Enhance your guest experience
- Improve staff productivity

Get updated with accurate ETAs and driver info
The device will show you accurate ETAs (estimated time of arrival) that you can jot down on the taxi information cards provided to you. You can also see the driver name and medallion number.
Sign upAccess hundreds of drivers across Mykonos,
at the press of a button
Safer, simpler taxi booking
We’ve partnered up with one of Mykonos’s most trusted taxi fleets to provide you with recognised and trusted drivers. This ensures safe journeys for your guests. Curb only works with drivers that are3:
13 minute
Average pick up time2Get taxis to your hotel, fast
With access to 300+ of drivers across Mykonos, taxis booked with our devices usually arrive within 10 minutes.
Sign upBy your side. Every step of the way.
Hey, I’m Hristo, on the Mykonos team for Venue Butler 👋
We’re 100% available and ready to support throughout your journey with us. We’re all about connecting people. It’s at the heart of everything we do.

Hands-on support from our team
Personalized demos
We’d love to take the time to visit your hotel to personally demonstrate how the device works and show you how it can support your hotel.
Sign upOne-to-one placements
For every hotel we equip, we aim to have a one-to-one in-person placement session with a member of the front desk team to teach them how to use the device.
Sign upAfter-placement support
Even after equipping your hotel, we are available via phone, email, chat and through our support team to assist you in anyway possible.
Get supportMake taxi booking simpler
for your guests
Supercharge your hotel’s taxi booking process
with Venue Butler.

1. Time saved everyday is calculated using an average time of 8m to book a taxi using traditional methods (vs 2 seconds using the Venue Butler device) and using an average of 4 taxi bookings per day.
2. This pick up time is based on an average of the last 6 months of historical data from our system, accessed on 11 October 2023. Pick up times may vary depending on demand, weather, and other external factors.
3. Drivers of Curb must meet the requirements of Curb to be considered for driving on the platform. See more information on Curbs’s website about their agreement with drivers here.