Booking a taxi is as easy as 1-2-3

Why spend hours on the phone every week to book taxis for your guests, when you can just do it in one click?

  • 1 Get started with us on this page and you’ll hear from us straight away.
  • 2 We’ll organise a time together so we can come by to do an in-person demo of the device.
  • 3 Your venue starts saving time, energy and money with one-click taxi booking πŸŽ‰
Request your device

Scroll down to see how simple it is to book a taxi with Venue Butler!


Press the button

As soon as you press the button, a driver is requested from our partner’s fleet. You’ll notice a confirmation on the screen of the device.


The booking is accepted

A nearby driver will accept the booking and start making their way over to your venue. You’ll receive an arrival time and driver info on-screen.


The driver arrives

The driver arrives outside and the booking will turn green. You can tell your guests that their taxi is waiting outside.

A small yet smart taxi booking companion.

5.6cm (W) x 11.2cm (L) x 3cm (H)

Compact but full of features

22 grams

Super lightweight

2.8″ display

Plenty to view all of your bookings

Built-in SIM card

2G or 4G roaming connection

Loved by 500+ hotels, bars, and restaurants around the world…

IHG Logo
Marriott Logo
Hilton Logo
Hyatt Logo
Accor Logo
Radisson Logo

…and a total game changer for front-desk staff πŸ™Œ

New York City

Venue Butler is so convenient! Long gone are the days where you have to stand in a corner to wave a cab down. The service is amazing.

Catherine Severino β€” Complex Sales Manager
New York City

Just one question. Where have you been my whole life? The work of hailing cabs is a now snap. Actually it’s now just a push of a button.

James Beale β€” Executive Manager

Venue Butler is AMAZING! It is fast, reliable and allows us to give better customer service.

Elen Terzis β€” Rooms Division Manager

This device has made getting cabs so easy! It makes our guests happy, what could be better?

Alexandra Hayes β€” Front Office Manager
New York City

So far so good! We are using it very often, it is very practical and super helpful!

Alexandra Dimitrijevic β€” Director of Front Office

Ready to get started?

Get started with your one-click taxi booking device. We’ll organise a time together so we can come by to do an in-person demo of the device.

Request your device